Sunday, April 27, 2008

…I hAvE sEeN yOu ToTaLLy ChAnGeD

I often hear this quotation, “The only constant in this world is change.” This is neither good nor bad. We can’t hold it still. This is the way of things in this ever-changing world. Nothing stays the same forever. Are you ready for it? What can we do to jibe with changes and that we won’t be left behind?

In philosophy, CHANGE refers to the transition that occurs from same to different. And according to Wikipedia, it is to add to, to make different in some ways. It is cyclical, and one expects circumstances to recur. It means doing something different; something totally different. Change has two impulses, one of which comes from the external environment. They are things that happen over which we have no control. The other impulses are those changes we choose internally, aimed at keeping the organization or the self in tune with the present and sensitive to possible future events.

Life is a constant change. So it is a great need to be on the go all the time. It’s a must to keep the pace of time. We have to be very keen all the time that we would somehow belong and not be left behind. Let’s do our best today, every now and then, and that we could cope with the changes around us. Remember that we can’t bring back time. Every second is one very significant. So let’s always give our best shot all the time.

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